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Représentation de la formation : Design - Data Driven Design and Production - Collect the right data to make smarter game designs (Mike Ambinder)

Design - Data Driven Design and Production - Collect the right data to make smarter game designs (Mike Ambinder)

Formation présentielle
Durée : 7 heures (1 jour)
Taux de satisfaction :
(7 avis)
Durée :7 heures (1 jour)
Se préinscrire
Durée :7 heures (1 jour)
Se préinscrire
Durée :7 heures (1 jour)
Se préinscrire

Formation créée le 19/06/2024. Dernière mise à jour le 25/11/2024.

Version du programme : 1

Programme de la formation

As game designers, our hope is that every design decision we make is the ‘right’ one. Unfortunately, the real world is far less kind. Put another way, game designs are hypotheses about predicted player behavior. In this class, you will learn how to use data (all kinds of data) to validate these hypotheses, drive your design-making, and maximize your chances at making the best possible game – at any stage of development. The workshop will be led by Mike Ambinder who spent 15 years guiding games research efforts at Valve using these exact methods. 1) The scientific approach to game design a- Introduction to data-driven decision-making b- Data collection methodologies c- Pitfalls d- Case studies 2) Expert Practical a- Playtests b- Interviews c- Game Telemetry d- Surveys e- Design Experiments 3) Wrap-up a- Summary b- Future thoughts c- Final Q&A

Objectifs de la formation

  • Implement the most useful ways to gather player data to inform game design (playtesting, game telemetry, surveys, interviews, design experiments)
  • Work on how data-informed game design increases the likelihood of predicting player behavior
  • Develop your awareness of the biases and confounds present in data (and data collection) that can lead to erroneous conclusions about player intent
  • Master the techniques needed to accurately measure player sentiment and engagement at every point of your development timeline.

Profil des bénéficiaires

Pour qui
  • Game Designers
  • Producers
  • Game Developers
  • User Experience Designers and Researchers
  • Any discipline in game development looking to make more informed decisions
  • Professional game design experience expected
  • Master class in English

Contenu de la formation

  • The scientific approach to game design
    • Introduction to data-driven decision-making Game design basics, data collection basics, using data to inform decision-making.
    • Data collection methodologies Kinds of data – playtests, telemetry, interviews, surveys, ancillary sources.
    • Pitfalls
    • Case studies
  • Expert Practical
    • Playtest
    • Interviews
    • Game Telemetry
    • Surveys
    • Design Experiments
  • Wrap-up
    • Summary
    • Future thoughts
    • Final Q&A
Équipe pédagogique

Mike Ambinder spent 15 years at Valve as an applied psychologist working at the intersections of psychology, game design, statistics and data science, machine learning, brain-computer interfaces, and user research all in service of improving the quality of game design decision-making. Regarded in the field as a pioneer in the disciplines of Games User Research, Applied Psychology and Game Design, and Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) based gaming, Mike now consults for game companies seeking to make better games through empirical research. Professional credits: Dota 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Team Fortress 2, Half-Life: Alyx, Portal 2, Alien Swarm, Counter-Strike 2, Underlords, Artifact, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Steam, Valve Index, HTC Vive, Steam Controller, and Steam Deck.

Suivi de l'exécution et évaluation des résultats
  • Assessment of acquired skills via a questionnaire

Qualité et satisfaction

Taux de satisfaction des apprenants
(7 avis)

Modalités de certification

Résultats attendus à l'issue de la formation
  • Délivrance d'un certificat de réalisation

Capacité d'accueil

Entre 6 et 20 apprenants

Délai d'accès

2 semaines


Pour les entreprises qui souhaitent une prise en charge par leur OPCO, l’inscription doit être réalisée au plus tard deux semaines avant le début de la formation pour respecter les délais d’instruction des OPCO. Dans les autres cas, les inscriptions peuvent être enregistrées jusqu’à 2 jours ouvrés avant le démarrage de la formation. Accessibilité : Nous sommes à la disposition des personnes en situation de handicap pour évaluer avec elles les aménagements nécessaires pour qu’elles puissent suivre sereinement les formations proposées.