2025/06 - Defining an Animation Vision (Mike Jungbluth - Compulsion Games)
Formation créée le 16/01/2024. Dernière mise à jour le 25/11/2024.
Version du programme : 1
Programme de la formation
Creating interactive characters that players want to engage with is at the heart of game animation. But without a clear understanding of the full project and a strong animation vision, characters can become forgettable. Animation director and author Mike Jungbluth will break down the process of setting a strong vision. Animation in games is often defined by the rapid iteration of ideas and techniques, which means a strong creative intent can be easily lost or sacrificed if not properly fostered and defined. This masterclass will break down the process of creating an intentional animation vision that can be both unique and flexible, while aligning with a project’s animation needs. June 2nd 2025 in Paris and June 4th 2025 in Lyon
Objectifs de la formation
- Establish expectations
- Understand project needs
- Better define a character’s performance
- Communicate a style and establish animation priorities
Profil des bénéficiaires
- Animators
- Animation Leads and Directors
- Animation Producers
- Art Directors
- Experience working as part of an animation team
- Experience working alongside of an animation team
- English proficiency
Contenu de la formation
The Role and Expectations
- Defining the Role
- Project Leadership Expectations
- Animation Team Expectations
- Your Expectations
Understanding the Project Vision
- Understanding the Creative Vision
- Understanding the Design Vision
- Understanding the Narrative Vision
- Understanding the Art Vision
Defining the Tools and Craft
- Effort and Value
- Keyframe
- Capture
- Procedural
Defining Technical Needs
- Competitive Analysis Video
- Technical Animation Needs
- Animation System Needs
- Animation Programming Needs
- Other Discipline Needs
Defining the Performance
- Emotionally Driven Actions
- Physically Driven Actions
Defining the Style
- Realism
- Limited
- Exaggerated
- Experimental
Communicating the Vision
- Style and Tone Video
- Visual Target Video
- Different Audiences
Adapt Vision to Project Changes
- Identify Problem Statements
- Identify Constraints
- List Possible Solutions
- Test for Success
Present Visions
Mike Jungbluth is an Animation Director at Compulsion Games and the author of Directing Game Animation. Some of his previous credits include Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, Anthem, Agents of Mayhem, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor and Call of Duty: Black Ops. Fostering the growth of an inclusive game animation community and advocating for open sharing of industry knowledge are his driving passions. To that end he has created the Animation Exchange and GDC Animation Summit, co-created the AnimState network, has spoken at GDC and various international conferences.
- Exercices au cours de la formation et quizz tout au long de la journée
- Accueil des apprenants dans une salle dédiée à la formation
- Documents supports de formation projetés
- Exposés théoriques
- Etude de cas concrets
- Mise à disposition en ligne de documents supports à la suite de la formation
Qualité et satisfaction
Modalités de certification
- Délivrance d'un certificat de réalisation