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Représentation de la formation : 2024/10 - Arts - The rigging that can evolve over time (Jose Antonio Martin Martin - Remedy Entertainment)

2024/10 - Arts - The rigging that can evolve over time (Jose Antonio Martin Martin - Remedy Entertainment)

Formation présentielle
Durée : 7 heures (1 jour)
Durée :7 heures (1 jour)
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Durée :7 heures (1 jour)
Se préinscrire
Durée :7 heures (1 jour)
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Formation créée le 16/01/2024. Dernière mise à jour le 20/06/2024.

Version du programme : 1

Programme de la formation

Learn how rigging helps bring characters alive in AAA game productions. Here we will cover important tools to help rigging navigate production difficulties and help animation bring characters to live. We will cover some good practices about working with other departments and approaches to help streamline the work on rigs. October 7th 2024 in Paris and October 9th 2024 in Lyon 1 - Rigging in Game Development 2 - Working with Stakeholders 2.a Working with modelling 2.b Working with Animation 2.c Performance Capture 2.d Developers 2.e SemVer 2.f Production Tools 3 - Version Control Systems 3.a Perforce 3.b GIT 4 - The Rig is not Enough 4.a The rig on itself is missing features 4.b How to work with animation on a Baseline Rig 4.c How to work with animation on Custom Rigs 4.d How to deal with non-backwards compatible changes on rigs 5 - Modular Workflows and AutoRigs 5.a Modular is the approach 5.b Steps on a Modular Rigging System 5.c Autorigs 5.d Other Tools 6 - High Fidelity Digital Doubles 6.a MetaHuman 6.b Ziva

Objectifs de la formation

  • Interact with other departments and make sure upstream departments deliver rigging the correct models and downstream departments can trust the rigs we deliver
  • Speed up the rigging process with tools and approaches, whilst maintaining high fidelity, leaving time for polishing.

Profil des bénéficiaires

Pour qui
  • Technical Artists
  • Riggers
  • Animators
  • Modellers
  • Production and Coordinators
  • Rigging Knowledge – Can be any platform but we’ll talk mostly about Maya
  • Master class in English

Contenu de la formation

  • Rigging in Game Development
  • Working with Stakeholders
    • Working with modelling
    • Working with Animation
    • Performance Capture
    • Developers
    • SemVer
    • Production tools
  • Version Control Systems
    • GIT
    • Perforce
  • The Rig is Not Enough
    • The rig on itself is missing features
    • How to work with animation on a Baseline Rig
    • How to work with animation on Custom Rigs
    • How to deal with non-backwards compatible changes on rigs
  • Modular Workflow and AutoRigs
    • Modular is the approach
    • Steps on a Modular Rigging System
    • Autorigs
    • Other tools
  • High Fidelity Digital Doubles
    • MetaHuman
    • Ziva
Équipe pédagogique

Jose Martin is a Character TD with 14+ years of experience, 10+ of them in VFX and 3+ years in the videogame industry working as Senior Rigger at Remedy Entertainment where he worked in the development of Alan Wake 2 as well as contributing to build the new character pipeline. Outside of game development he has been running rigging courses at platforms like CGMA, Vertex School and Domestika for the last 6 years, for students wanting to learn rigging and face rigging.

Suivi de l'exécution et évaluation des résultats
  • Assessment of acquired skills via a questionnaire

Capacité d'accueil

Entre 6 et 20 apprenants

Délai d'accès

2 semaines


Pour les entreprises qui souhaitent une prise en charge par leur OPCO, l’inscription doit être réalisée au plus tard deux semaines avant le début de la formation pour respecter les délais d’instruction des OPCO. Dans les autres cas, les inscriptions peuvent être enregistrées jusqu’à 2 jours ouvrés avant le démarrage de la formation. Accessibilité : Nous sommes à la disposition des personnes en situation de handicap pour évaluer avec elles les aménagements nécessaires pour qu’elles puissent suivre sereinement les formations proposées.