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Représentation de la formation : 2025/06 - Tech - “Perpetual Game Profiling and Optimisation: Getting your game to run fast and how to  keep it there" (Tony Albrecht - Riot Games)

2025/06 - Tech - “Perpetual Game Profiling and Optimisation: Getting your game to run fast and how to keep it there" (Tony Albrecht - Riot Games)

Formation présentielle
Durée : 7 heures (1 jour)
Durée :7 heures (1 jour)
Se préinscrire
Durée :7 heures (1 jour)
Se préinscrire
Durée :7 heures (1 jour)
Se préinscrire

Formation créée le 03/03/2025.

Version du programme : 1

Programme de la formation

Gone are the days when we used to ship a game and then move onto developing the next one. Players now expect improvements, fixes, updates, and new content. But new content doesn’t come free – every addition has a cost. This class will address not only the process of optimising and maintaining performance during the development of a game, but also how to monitor and maintain performance after release - keeping the game running smoothly even as you add more content and more features. We’ll start at the beginning: How do we measure performance? What should we be measuring? When should we be thinking about optimisation? How do we optimise? What do we optimise? We’ll do a few class exercises, working through profiling and optimising some example code. Moving on, we’ll look at maintaining performance. What tools can we use, what should we budget (how/when should we budget), and who should be responsible for performance. We will also look at automated performance testing - how useful is this and what can it tell us? Finally, we’ll address maintaining performance after you ship your game. How can we identify performance degradations on players’ machines? And once we do, how do we fix them? How can we triage performance issues in live games? What performance metrics are useful?  The overarching goal of this Masterclass is to provide attendees with an intuitive understanding of game performance metrics – to know what to measure, when, how to visualise it, and more importantly, how to use that data to identify problems when they occur. Not to mention how to fix those problems when they occur. 2025 June 23rd in Paris - June 25th in Lyon.

Objectifs de la formation

  • How we profile a game
  • When we should profile a game
  • What we should be profiling
  • What metrics are important for monitoring performance.
  • How we can profile games that have already shipped (and optimise slowdowns)

Profil des bénéficiaires

Pour qui
  • Programmers
  • This Masterclass requires an understanding of C++ (all the examples will be in this language) but not on any third-party engine like Unity or Unreal. However, learnings should be broadly applicable to other engines.

Contenu de la formation

  • Types of Profiling, their strengths and weaknesses.
    • What to measure and how.
    • When should we profile? When should we care about performance?
  • Things that impact performance
    • Measuring on different types of HW.
    • Benchmarking and normalisation.
    • Profiling exercises
  • Determinism in profiling.
    • Why was this faster last time I ran it?
    • How to deal with non-deterministic game execution.
    • Profiling exercises. The cost of increasing scale.
  • What to profile?
    • How do we profile the things that players care about?
    • What do players care about?
    • What do players know about performance?
    • What do they feel?
  • What happens once you ship your game?
    • How do you measure performance then?
    • What data do you need?
    • And what do you do with it?
    • Class exercise. Analysing data from live games.
  • Identifying Live performance regressions
    • Collecting detailed per frame per user performance data from shipped games.
    • Class exercise: detailed inspection of Live game performance data.
  • Big Data: Multiplying the per frame per user performance data by millions of users.
    • How do we sensibly visualise that billions of frames of data?
    • Class exercise - digging into the big data. How to aggregate data with high cardinality and visualise it effectively.
Équipe pédagogique

Tony Albrecht started programming as a teenager in the 80’s on his C64 and has now been a Game Engine Programmer for over 25 years. He has worked with a wide range of companies, from his first PS2 title for Ratbag Games to working for Sony R&D, Insomniac Games, Pandemic, THQ, EA, BigWorld, and even ran his own optimisation company for a few years. He’s now a Principal Software Engineer at Riot Games, where he’s been focusing on performance and optimisation for the last 10 years, working on League of Legends, Teamfight Tactics and Valorant. Tony’s passion is understanding how things work – whether it’s how a CPU works, or a refrigerator or a TV or even how beer is brewed – understanding the core fundamentals of a system opens it up to experimentation, exploration and the satisfaction of totally understanding and utilising it. Tony also loves to meet game developers from around the world and drink beer with them while talking about games and game dev.

Suivi de l'exécution et évaluation des résultats
  • Attendees are expected to contribute to the Group Exercises and be involved with the discussions.
Ressources techniques et pédagogiques
  • Accueil des apprenants dans une salle dédiée à la formation.
  • Documents supports de formation projetés.
  • Exposés théoriques
  • Etude de cas concrets
  • Quiz en salle
  • Mise à disposition en ligne de documents supports à la suite de la formation.

Qualité et satisfaction

Taux de satisfaction des apprenants et assiduité

Modalités de certification

Résultats attendus à l'issue de la formation
  • Délivrance d'un certificat de réalisation

Capacité d'accueil

Entre 5 et 20 apprenants

Délai d'accès

2 semaines


Pour les entreprises qui souhaitent une prise en charge par leur OPCO, l’inscription doit être réalisée au plus tard deux semaines avant le début de la formation pour respecter les délais d’instruction des OPCO. Dans les autres cas, les inscriptions peuvent être enregistrées jusqu’à 2 jours ouvrés avant le démarrage de la formation. Accessibilité : Nous sommes à la disposition des personnes en situation de handicap pour évaluer avec elles les aménagements nécessaires pour qu’elles puissent suivre sereinement les formations proposées.