Tech - Data oriented programming (Mike Acton - Ex Insomniac Games Engine Director)
Formation créée le 04/04/2023. Dernière mise à jour le 25/11/2024.
Version du programme : 1
Programme de la formation
Objectifs de la formation
- Understanding hardware and platform to optimize data-oriented programming
- Focus on both usability and performance
Profil des bénéficiaires
- Programmers
- Engine programmers
- Technical directors
- Professional experience in the video game industry
Contenu de la formation
Apply data-oriented programming to the video game development
Understanding hardware and platform
Analyzing datas
Refactoring existing codebase and data
Mike Acton has worked on game engines for over 20 years including as the Engine Director of Insomniac Games for more than 10 years. He has learned hard lessons about what it takes to produce some of the highest quality work in the space and what is needed to meet those requirements. Mike is at Unity to make that possible for more people by helping to democratize data-oriented programming so that teams everywhere can achieve things only previously possible by a few dedicated groups. Mike edits in vi and prefers spaces to tabs.
- Feuilles de présence.
- Questions orales ou écrites (QCM).
- Mises en situation.
- Formulaires d'évaluation de la formation.
- Accueil des apprenants dans une salle dédiée à la formation.
- Documents supports de formation projetés.
- Exposés théoriques
- Etude de cas concrets
- Quiz en salle
- Mise à disposition en ligne de documents supports à la suite de la formation.
Qualité et satisfaction
Modalités de certification
- Délivrance d'un certificat de réalisation