Design - Paper prototyping for electronic games (Stone Librande - Riot Games)
Formation créée le 13/03/2023. Dernière mise à jour le 25/11/2024.
Version du programme : 1
Programme de la formation
In this workshop, participants will get hands-on experience by constructing a variety of paper prototypes as they work on a game pitch for a fictional game.
Objectifs de la formation
- Instead of building an electronic prototype, designers can create paper prototypes to provide quick answers.
- Since the process doesn’t involve computers, artists, or engineers, it can be a low-cost, efficient way to progress your design and build clarity across your team.
Profil des bénéficiaires
- Designers involved in early stage game development
- Participants should have basic game design experience
Contenu de la formation
Overview of game design fundamentals framework (goals, opposition, decisions, rules and interaction)
Creating one-page documents to communicate designs to the production, marketing, engineering and creative teams
Generating a fictional game pitch based on a variety of constraints (audience needs, money/time, target hardware, etc.)
Building a paper prototype for a fictional game, with a focus on emotional engagement
Stone Librande, Senior Designer at Riot Games, previously worked at EA as Creative Director for 8 years (The Simpsons Game, Spore, SimCity 2013). Prior to that he was involved as Lead Designer at Blizzard on Diablo 3. In addition to working on video games, he has created more than 20 board games. Two of these have been published (Mechs vs. Minions, Riot Games and Alakazam: The Game of Duelling Wizards, Chronicle Books).
- Feuilles de présence.
- Questions orales ou écrites (QCM).
- Mises en situation.
- Formulaires d'évaluation de la formation.
- Certificat de réalisation de l’action de formation.
- Accueil des apprenants dans une salle dédiée à la formation.
- Documents supports de formation projetés.
- Exposés théoriques
- Etude de cas concrets
- Quiz en salle
- Mise à disposition en ligne de documents supports à la suite de la formation.
Qualité et satisfaction
Modalités de certification
- Délivrance d'un certificat de réalisation